51 research outputs found

    A Fast Content-Based Image Retrieval Method Using Deep Visual Features

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    Fast and scalable Content-Based Image Retrieval using visual features is required for document analysis, Medical image analysis, etc. in the present age. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) activations as features achieved their outstanding performance in this area. Deep Convolutional representations using the softmax function in the output layer are also ones among visual features. However, almost all the image retrieval systems hold their index of visual features on main memory in order to high responsiveness, limiting their applicability for big data applications. In this paper, we propose a fast calculation method of cosine similarity with L2 norm indexed in advance on Elasticsearch. We evaluate our approach with ImageNet Dataset and VGG-16 pre-trained model. The evaluation results show the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed method.Comment: accepted in ICDAR-WML: The 2nd International Workshop on Machine Learning 201

    AI Boom Analysis Using Time Series Data in Word Embeddings

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    人工知能(Artificial Intelligence:AI)の技術発展は、現在の人間の「しごと」の多くを代替することで、産業構造に変革をもたらすとされている。しかし、この変革により新たな「しごと」が生み出されるであろうことは過去の産業革命における「しごと」の変化からも明らかであろう。本稿では、単語分散表現(Word Embeddings)を用いて新聞記事等から人工知能に関連するキーワードの時系列データを抽出することで、第四次産業革命のキーファクターの一つである人工知能が、どのように日本社会で認知され注目されるようになってきたか、その変化を明らかにする。Replacing many of "work" of humanity with Artificial Intelligence(AI)is said to bring a big change in the industrial structure. However, this change will create a new “work”. It will be evident from the change of "work" in the past industrial revolution. This paper describes how artificial intelligence, one of the key factors of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, has become recognized and noticed in Japanese society. We clarify the changes of the time series by investigating the related keywords of artificial intelligence using word embeddings on newspaper articles, etc

    Analyze the Enjoyment of Soccer School in the Elementary School Age

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    The importance of enjoying physical exercise and interaction with others in sports has been suggested, however it has not been clarified what activities lead to enjoyment. Therefore, we conducted an online questionnaire survey of students attending soccer school after practice and conducted a correlation analysis of their impressions of attending school, whether they enjoy soccer school activities, and what activities lead to enjoyment, and found that the main factor contributing to their enjoyment of soccer school was game (match), also suggesting that enjoying school is related to running a lot and being involved with the ball a lot. On the other hand, students who could juggle well tended not to enjoy it

    Quantitative Measurement and Analysis to Computational Thinking for Elementary Schools in Japan

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    In Japan, programming education has been made compulsory in elementary schools since 2020. The Programming Education Guide (GPE) explains the purpose of programming education and the abilities that can be fostered through programming education. In addition, the “Portal Site for Programming Education Focusing on Elementary Schools” introduces various examples of programming education. However, there is little information measuring whether programming classes are effective in improving OTWP (Objective Thinking as a Way of Programming) abilities based on CT (Computational Thinking), except for reports of improvement after simple statistical analysis. Therefore, we prepared 30 CT questions, 12 basic and 18 applied, for the CT test considering four key techniques, decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithms, of which 14 questions were pre-test and seven questions were assessment test. In the experiment, 18 elementary school students from grades 1st to 6th were given a short workshop only once, and the analysis of the effect was done statistically, considering their habituation to the problems. The results of the experiment showed that there was no effect of the one-time workshop, unlike other reports of improvement that used simple statistical methods. It became clear that the CT ability was not improved by the short education. On the other hand, a new finding is that females may be inferior to males in three techniques: decomposition, algorithm, and abstraction

    Questionnaire Analysis and Causal Search for Enjoyment in Soccer Schools

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    スポーツにおいて,身体活動を楽しむことや他者との交流の重要性が示唆されている.地域のスポーツ振興を理念の1つとしているサッカースクールにとっては重要なテーマである.過去の調査において,我々はサッカースクールに通うスクール生を対象にアンケートを行い,ゲーム形式の練習が楽しさにつながることを明らかにした.また,アンケート項目間の相関分析の結果から,サッカースクールの楽しさは,よく走ることやよくボールに関わることと関係があることが示唆された.しかしながら,よく走り,よくボールに関わったから楽しかったのか,楽しかったからよく走り,よくボールに関わることにつながったのかについては,相関関係では明らかにできなかった.そこで本稿では,楽しかったか,たくさん走ったか,シュートやパスをたくさんしたか,ドリブルをたくさんしたか等,5段階のリッカート尺度を用いて回収されたアンケート項目を非ガウス分布の連続的な変数であると考え,アンケート項目間の因果関係を得るためにDirectLiNGAMを用いて因果探索を行う方法を試みた.因果探索の結果は相関分析の結果とも矛盾はなく,サッカースクールが楽しかったからよく走り,よくボールに関わることにつながった可能性が示された.このプラクティスから,これまで明らかにできなかったアンケート結果の因果関係が明らかになり,スクール運営に役立つという知見が得られたので報告する.The importance of enjoying physical activity and interacting with others in sports has been suggested. This is an important theme for soccer schools, whose mission is to promote sports in the community. In our previous study, we conducted a questionnaire survey of students attending a soccer school and found that game-style practice leads to enjoyment. The results of the correlation analysis among the questionnaire items suggested that the enjoyment of soccer school is related to running well and being involved with the ball. However, it was not clear from the correlations whether the enjoyment came from running a lot and being involved with the ball more, or from running a lot and being involved with the ball more because it was enjoyable. Therefore, in this paper, we considered the questionnaire items collected using a 5-point Likert scale, such as whether they had fun, ran a lot, shot and passed a lot, dribbled a lot, etc., as continuous variables with a non-Gaussian distribution, and tried a causal search method using DirectLiNGAM to obtain causal relationships among the questionnaire items. The results of the causal search were consistent with the results of the correlation analysis, indicating that the respondents enjoyed soccer school, which may have led them to run a lot and get involved with the ball more. This practice clarified the causal relationship between the results of the questionnaire, which had not been clarified before, and provided useful information for the management of the school

    Molecular imaging analysis of microvesicular and macrovesicular lipid droplets in non‑alcoholic fatty liver disease by Raman microscopy

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    Predominant evidence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the accumulation of excess lipids in the liver. A small group with NAFLD may have a more serious condition named non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). However, there is a lack of investigation of the accumulated lipids with spatial and molecular information. Raman microscopy has the potential to characterise molecular species and structures of lipids based on molecular vibration and can achieve high spatial resolution at the organelle level. In this study, we aim to demonstrate the feasibility of Raman microscopy for the investigation of NAFLD based on the molecular features of accumulated lipids. By applying the Raman microscopy to the liver of the NASH model mice, we succeeded in visualising the distribution of lipid droplets (LDs) in hepatocytes. The detailed analysis of Raman spectra revealed the difference of molecular structural features of the LDs, such as the degree of saturation of lipids in the LDs. We also found that the inhomogeneous distribution of cholesterol in the LDs depending on the histology of lipid accumulation. We visualised and characterised the lipids of NASH model mice by Raman microscopy at organelle level. Our findings demonstrated that the Raman imaging analysis was feasible to characterise the NAFLD in terms of the molecular species and structures of lipids

    Security Impact Analysis of Degree of Field Extension in Lattice Attacks on Ring-LWE Problem

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    Modern information communications use cryptography to keep the contents of communications confidential. RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) cryptography and elliptic curve cryptography, which are public-key cryptosystems, are widely used cryptographic schemes. However, it is known that these cryptographic schemes can be deciphered in a very short time by Shor's algorithm when a quantum computer is put into practical use. Therefore, several methods have been proposed for quantum computer-resistant cryptosystems that cannot be cracked even by a quantum computer. A simple implementation of LWE-based lattice cryptography based on the LWE (Learning With Errors) problem requires a key length of O(n2)O(n^2) to ensure the same level of security as existing public-key cryptography schemes such as RSA and elliptic curve cryptography. In this paper, we attacked the Ring-LWE (RLWE) scheme, which can be implemented with a short key length, with a modified LLL (Lenstra-Lenstra-Lov\'asz) basis reduction algorithm and investigated the trend in the degree of field extension required to generate a secure and small key. Results showed that the lattice-based cryptography may be strengthened by employing Cullen or Mersenne prime numbers as the degree of field extension.Comment: accepted in COMPSAC 2023 Workshop DSML: The 1st IEEE International Workshop on Data Science & Machine Learning for Cybersecurity, IoT & Digital Forensic

    Challenges and Improvements in a Workshop-Type Class in BYOD

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    医療系大学1 年生を対象とした実習型の講義「医療情報処理」が,個人PC を用いたBYOD (Bring Your Own Device) 環境でのワークショップ形式で,2017 年度前期と2018 年度前期に実施された。本講義は,前半は個人課題,後半はグループ課題となるよう設計されており,マナーやコミュニケーションの重要性についても学ぶ機会を提供している。BYOD 環境では,PC 環境の違いや情報リテラシーに対する個人差等が影響し,カリキュラム設計や教員側の人的資源に課題があったが,本研究では,グループ学習がこの問題を解消する可能性を示す。The workshop-type “Medical Informatics” classes were held with first-year dental students under BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) in the first semesters of 2017 and 2018. The classes were composed of two phases with personal exercises and group exercises. The group exercises aimed to provide opportunities for students to learn étiquette and communication skills. Under the BYOD environment, there were still some problems according to differences in the PC environment and individual ability. This research shows that it is possible to solve those issues with group learning

    Challenges and Improvements in a Workshop-Type Class in BYOD

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    医療系大学1 年生を対象とした実習型の講義「医療情報処理」が,個人PC を用いたBYOD (Bring Your Own Device) 環境でのワークショップ形式で,2017 年度前期と2018 年度前期に実施された。本講義は,前半は個人課題,後半はグループ課題となるよう設計されており,マナーやコミュニケーションの重要性についても学ぶ機会を提供している。BYOD 環境では,PC 環境の違いや情報リテラシーに対する個人差等が影響し,カリキュラム設計や教員側の人的資源に課題があったが,本研究では,グループ学習がこの問題を解消する可能性を示す。The workshop-type “Medical Informatics” classes were held with first-year dental students under BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) in the first semesters of 2017 and 2018. The classes were composed of two phases with personal exercises and group exercises. The group exercises aimed to provide opportunities for students to learn étiquette and communication skills. Under the BYOD environment, there were still some problems according to differences in the PC environment and individual ability. This research shows that it is possible to solve those issues with group learning

    A Method to Detect Rogue Access Points in a Campus without Decrypting WLAN Frames

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    大学に無線LAN アクセスポイント(以下,AP と呼ぶ)を導入するに当り,許可を得ず接続されたAP や正規のAP を装ったAP 等の不正AP に関するセキュリティ上の課題が存在する.大学では,全学としてのネットワーク管理者(以下,全学ネットワーク管理者と呼ぶ)だけでなく,各サブネットワークごとに管理者を指定していることが多く,ネットワーク全体を把握している管理者が存在しない可能性がある.本論文では,全学ネットワーク管理者の視点で,サブネットワーク管理者との連携を追加で要することなく,検査対象AP のキャンパスネットワークへの接続の有無を判断することにより不正AP を検出する手法について提案する.提案手法では,Windows やAndroid 等のOS に導入されている,Captive Portal Detection(以下,CPD と呼ぶ)を利用する.キャンパスネットワークの上流と無線LAN 通信区間の二箇所におけるCPD 用HTTP 通信の時間差から,検査対象AP のキャンパスネットワークへの接続を確認する.なお,本手法では無線LAN での通信において,WPA2 等の復号を行わず推定している.評価実験では,提案手法によりネットワーク上流から見た各サブネットワークのIP アドレスと無線LAN クライアントが接続したAP の紐付けが可能であることを確認した